The Rustic Charm of Rutland Pubs

Files with the PUB extension are created by the Microsoft’s Publisher software. The MS Publisher is a program for desktop publishing and is utilized to make printable documents like fliers, newsletters and brochures. The Publisher can also be used for creating content on the Internet and email. PUB is just a document containing text and graphics. These files can be edited, opened and saved using the MS Publisher. One important warning though; Microsoft does not allow free viewers to open PUB files and other programs doing desktop publishing do not support them.

Microsoft recommends that you install a trial version of the Publisher software in order to open PUB files if you do not own the licensed copy of the program. 달토셔츠룸 It is worth considering converting PUB into a friendlier format, before you send them to people who might not have the Publisher installed on their machines. PUB can be converted to an email message or it might be saved into another format like PDF or XPS.

The PPT file extension is basically associated with the MS PowerPoint that is used for creating dynamic and powerful slide show presentations. They usually contain images, audio clips, sound effects and text. PPT documents can be opened by the programs of OpenOffice Suite, Nuance OmniPage Pro X, Corel WordPerfect Office X5 and Apple Keynote. One shortcoming is that the MS PowerPoint from Office 2003 does not open PPT files that have Office 2000 clip art. However you can easily order an update from the Microsoft website to fix this issue.